Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Byzantine Army of Jack -- The Formed Infantry

Jack brought his Byzantines over on Mothers Day.  We'd hoped to have a game that afternoon, but the rest of the guys were occupied with more important matters.  So Jack and I spread the army out, shared conversation, and took pictures of the arrayed forces.

The army is all painted and glued to the bases, but much is still not flocked.  However, the formed infantry was complete, and so will be the feature of this photo study.  First we'll focus on the command stands Jack has completed, the emperor and a general.

Emperor Constantine Diogenes and infantry line

George Maniakes - Strategos attacking a Syrian horseman in the foreground, while Harald Hardrada and his Varagians await the enemy

The two general stands can be combined as one piece, seen here in front of two Skoutato units
My previous blog post, Byzantine Dioramas by Jack Ladd, features more shots of the George Maniakes base.

The main line infantry of the Byzantines were the Skoutatoi, close order heavy foot (FP in Impetus) armed with long spear, and backed up by a stand of supporting archers.  These are a deep unit in Impetus for the Nikephorian and Konstantinian armies, or are separate units in in Comnenan armies.

The standards are both Little Big Man Design banners and art-work Jack found on the internet or in other places.  The LBMS pieces are the more vibrantly colored ones, but I think the combination of sources works well.  This is a well arrayed army.

The Varangians are the other component of the formed infantry.  These are mercenaries from northern Europe and Russian -- originally they were primarily Swedes and Russ, although many other adventurers joined their ranks.  After the Norman conquest of England many huscarls joined the Varangian ranks.

Harald Hardrada's unit

Gunnar's unit, with a murder of crows!

The cavalry and light infantry will be featured in a future post.

Jack's work is very nice -- FYI he does do commission work.



  1. Colorful and perfect painted, love the shields as well!
    My compliments on these!

    greetings Remco

  2. this is stunning work. And the banners are just perfect

  3. Really, really wonderful stuff!!


  4. Those are lovely - are the banners done by hand?

  5. Jack has done a blinder of a job, top notch.

  6. Beautiful army there.


  7. Fantastic army, love the crows!


  8. Fantastic army. I have a question, the vikings where did you get? (Essex, Two dragons,etc)

  9. Fantastic looking army, very very impressive, and the banners are stunning!
    Great work...

  10. The Figures are Crusader's and the Varangians are a mix of Foundry,Old Glory vikings with some Varangian Crusader line. the transfers are LBM and the flags are mix home made, LBM and icon's I found online that I minimized. thanks guys. I am working on a SAGA Byz. warband and IMPETVS Mid.Imp.Roman and Palmyrene armies. bests Jack

  11. Very late on, but what miniature is the Emperor Constantine Diogenes?

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